10 Tips To Better Singing (x10 cont)

better worship
Image courtesy of Khunaspix at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Hopefully, you’ve been enjoying our better singing tips. In case you missed the first two parts here they are:

better worship
10 Tips To Better Singing (Pt1)
better worship
10 Tips To Better Singing (Pt2)

I’ve enjoyed teaching so many students over the last more than 25 years. One thing I’ve learned from the experience which will be our next tip.

8. Be focused and committed to grow. One of my favorite students was Jason. He was on a mission to improve his voice. He wanted to extend his range and wanted to improve his sense of pitch. We were able to help him do both! But why he was so successful was the focus he demonstrated. We met two times a week. He faithfully worked on what we went over in the lesson. He had a goal in mind of recording in a major studio in a few months and he needed to be in tip top shape. So he leveraged this goal to help him stay focused. You can do the same!

9. Visualize your desired result daily.  When I was first starting out with singing in high school I wasn’t very good.  In fact one day my best friend came and told me I should stick to writing songs and let someone else sing them.  THIS WAS DEVASTATING!  But I didn’t give up!  And I did listen to what he was saying.  I did need to work some more.  But one way that I found most effective was using the inner-game of singing.  I had heard our basketball coach say that a study was done once where different players practiced shooting free throws in two different ways.  One set actually stood at the fowl line and practiced their shots.  But the second group sat and visualized successfully shooting and making the fowl shoots for the same amount of time (20 min. a day) as the other group literally practiced physically.

At the end of the study they found that the group that used their imagination for practice did best.  I took this concept and started using it when I had to sing.  I would picture the audience being moved to tears as I sang (hopefully not because it hurt to listen to me lol).  I would imagine feeling good because my voice was effectively communicating my heart’s feelings and so many people were enjoying the experience.  I would do this daily in preparation for a singing opportunity.  And when I sang a very strange thing happened.  I almost felt as though I was watching myself sing.  It was as if I was singing on autopilot and enjoying the song along with the audience.

Today I don’t do this for every singing opportunity, but I probably should given the great results I achieved.

10.  Partner with God.  I know that not all singers believe in God.  But I want to share with you what has worked for me.  I am blessed and have grown in so many ways.  I’ve travelled to many countries singing and met so many wonderful people.  I’ve enjoyed singing with children dying of AIDS in Kenya and I’ve enjoyed singing for 70,000 people in a hugh arena.  I’m so blessed and so grateful.  I give all the glory to God!  He’s my ultimate vocal and life coach.  Try Him and I know you’ll see results!

Life as a singers won’t be easy but the joy that you bring to others and the love they can feel is worth the pain of the process.  Ask God to take you where your voice will do the greatest good for Him and you’ll never regret it.

Thank you for honoring me with your presence as you read today.  I am grateful!  I wish for you better singing and better worship.

better worship

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