Fighting Depression

DSC08987Day 36: Fighting Depression

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

Depression comes to visit me more often than I’d like.  When it comes I can’t seem to find satisfaction in anything.  I can exercise and feel a bit better.  I can take supplements and feel a bit better.  But I admit that I’m not able to get rid of it right away when it comes.

So what is the remedy.  The bible encourages us to thing about uplifting things.  I’m sure part of my feelings of depression are from what I’ve heard and read over the past few days.  There is so much corruption.  And then there is so much deception.  It becomes difficult to even know who is telling the truth.  This makes my heart so sad.

And I suppose at the core of my feeling is wanting to know that what I’m doing counts.  I want to know that my presence matters.  I want to know that I’m making a difference in the world, in someone else’s life.

So I’m sharing a word of encouragement to you that encourages me as well.  Try this.  Think of someone who needs your help.  Then help them.  Don’t you feel better?  I do.  I’m writing every day for 100 days because I want to encourage those in my sphere of influence.  We can heal.  We can feel better.  We can do better.  God will help us.  We will help each other.  And knowing that makes me feel better.

Today, I will help someone and I will feel better as I bless them.

Thank you for reading.

I love you all.
