Best Servant Wins

IMG_4598I have a friend named Henry.  He has a statement he often says that relates to his philosophy of life: “Best logic wins!”

He explained to me that in his business meetings his ego isn’t tied to his opinion.  If someone else has better logic he will recognize it and move along.  He is the CFO(Cheif Financial Officer) of a major entity and that has worked for him.  I trust Henry.  He has always given me good counsel.

But this morning I want to share with you a personal statement of revelation: “Best Servant Wins!”  As a gospel music artist I interface with many singers and musicians who want to go to the “next level.”  I’m not sure all of what they imagine is at that level.  The beautiful pictures of the most famous pastors and singers suggest power, wealth and fame.  So it’s no wonder that so many wish to be in their shoes based on the images we see circulated of them.

But what I have found in my life in music, in ministry and as well in business is that the Best Servant Wins! I recently was selecting a cleaning company and I had a meeting with one referred to me by a family friend.  When this person came they were different than all the other cleaning companies I had ever dealt with.  Instead of focusing on all that they didn’t do they shared what was included in their basic service and then they added other ways that they would make my life better by serving other needs they noticed.  So the funny thing is I know why they were highly recommended even before seeing their work.  They were interested in taking care of as many of my needs as possible.   Often the upgrades were not that expensive.  But I appreciated that there was analysis of what I needed and solutions to my needs.

Jesus gave us the greatest example of a servant’s life.  We read in Mark 10: 42-45:

And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

I am making my focus how I can better serve and it is opening doors of opportunity.  I want to go to a barber that wants to give me the best service.  I want to go to a doctor that wants to give me the best service.  I want to fellowship with brothers and sister who want to give me the best service.  And I want to be known as a great servant.

So today ask yourself “how can I be a better servant?”  Because the BEST SERVANT WINS!

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