Feeling Deflated?

Day 45cover1 Samuel 30:6 King James Version (KJV)

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.

Have you ever had a day that left you feeling deflated?  Today I had one.  It wasn’t that God let me fail or that everything didn’t work out.  But knowing there’s so much more I want to do and yet feeling the convergence of what feels like a perfect storm against me.  I’m recovering from a bug and so I’m not 100% yet.  Also, I’m learning a new job so it’s different than how the last 8 years have been performing a routine I had about mastered.  On top of that allergy season is starting–how annoying!  And than several incidents of the day reminded me that I haven’t mastered what I’m doing yet.

I hate feeling like I haven’t come through for others.

So now I’m going to share with you what I believe is necessary to prepare me for what lies ahead.  I’m going to encourage myself in the Lord!

When David found himself in a pretty rough spot that’s what he did.  The men he was hanging out with were upset with him because someone had come while they were away from home and taken all there stuff–including their families!  The fellas didn’t take that to well.  They wanted to take it out on their leader, David.  The text we read above says they spake of stoning him.

When you are a leader you are often not understood.  God usually gives you a vision that others don’t see yet.  It’s your call to pursue the vision and express it with conviction to others.  If your fortunate you and your crew develop a shared vision that is compelling and you all work together towards it’s fulfillment.  So that’s my request for my Heavenly Father.  I pray that he brings together a compelling vision and empowers me to place the plan and pieces together.  And while I’m still seeing this by faith I claim that all things will work together for good.  I believe that God loves me and is eager to assist me in giving Him glory through the completion of this vision.  I trust Him that when I am weak (right now) that He is INCREDIBLY STRONG!  I therefore thank him now!  I am grateful for what you have already done for my future!  Thank you!!!  Thank You!!! Thank You!!! (Faith is the substance of things hoped for) .

So many times before God has worked things out and answered prayers and brought visions to pass that I would be foolish not to bring my hurts and heart’s desires to Him and trust Him with them both.

I invite you to do the same.  Let’s feel gratitude together now as we say thanks for what He’s about to do even before we see it!  Thanks again, Lord!


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