Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 9.57.54 AMGOT IDOLS?

Have you ever wondered how God’s people could worship idols?  I mean you come from being miraculously delivered from slavery in Egypt, marching through the middle of the parted red sea, being lead by a pillar of clouds, receiving miraculous heaven sent food called Manna, and seeing enemies defeated by miracles that you can’t take credit for.  But now you would instead choose to worship a piece of wood or stone that has been shaped into the image of an animal or human being?

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After the death of King Solomon God’s people were divided into the Northern Kingdom-Israel, and the Southern Kingdom-Judah.  In order to prevent people in Israel from going down to Jerusalem to the temple to worship, Northern Kingdom King Jeroboam set up two golden calves, one in Dan and one in Bethel.  The king was interested in keeping power over his subjects. But he choose to erect a type of idol that had lead to severe punishment to his ancestors. Why do that?

From my study I’ve concluded the following:

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Idol worship was popular because it released one from the obligation to be under the authority of God or the priests.  If you weren’t happy with restraining from impulses to do things that you had been taught were wrong then why not worship the idol that wouldn’t condemn your actions? Often an idol that you yourself created.

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Idol worship was popular because it was sensual.  As the rites surrounding idols were fashioned it allowed sexuality on earth to be linked to rain production in the heavens and therefore prosperity through abundant crops here on earth.  

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Idol worship was popular because no longer did you worship a deity who was righteous and required devotion and sacrifice.  Instead you had a god who was like you and didn’t get in the way of you doing what you want to do with most of your day.

Today our idols are both carved images and deified celebrities.  Our “Holy Days (Holidays)” aren’t celebrations for our Heavenly Father but rather parties for ourselves. Our energy, our pleasure, and our time are absorbed on those who can not give us the key to eternal life.

Are you worshipping any idols?

Thanks for reading.  Please continue to pray for this ministry and a big thank you to those who have contributed!



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